Dr. Bruce Miller diskuterar bvFTD och skillnader mellan FTD-varianter i podcast-utseende

Dr. Bruce Miller Discusses bvFTD and Differences Between FTD Variants in Podcast Appearance

 Bruce Miller, MD, discussed behavioral variant frontotemporal degeneration as well as the differences between different FTD variants in an episode of the podcast Navigating Neuropsychology.  

Dr. Miller is a leading expert in FTD; he is a distinguished professor of Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, and is a member of AFTD’s Medicinsk rådgivande rådet. Dr. Miller has was featured previously in a 60 minuter segmentet to discuss FTD, and has appeared in Förmögenhet, den New York Times, och PBS Newshour.  

The conversation begins with Dr. Miller conceptualizing the differences between bvFTD and other FTD variants for hosts John Bellone and Ryan Van Patten. Dr. Miller then transitions to describing the diagnostic criteria for bvFTD and explores the neuropathology of the disease.  

Dr. Miller, Bellone, and Van Patten spend the latter half of the podcast episode discussing the symptomologi of bvFTD and the associated behavior and cognitive effects. The trio also discuss different forms of therapy that Dr. Miller believes could be beneficial to people with bvFTD. 

“We work with art in patients with bvFTD and we see some magnificent products,” Dr. Miller said about art therapy. “If you can get a patient focused on a compulsion that is associated with aesthetic outcomes, this is a very good thing.” 


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