Georgia Woman Highlights Impact of Family Caregiving

A recent Georgia Health News article calls attention to the toll caregiving has on families – specifically those in which an adult child cares for their parent – by focusing on a member of our community.
In the article, Georgia resident Aisha Adkins discusses the adjustments she and her family have made to care for her mother Rose (pictured above with Aisha), who was diagnosed with FTD eight years ago. An only child, Aisha put her career on hold to care for her mother, a responsibility she shares with her father.
Aisha, who will be among the caregivers honored in the California-based Rose Parade on New Year’s Day, also discusses how she has learned to cope with her role, as well as the efforts she takes to increase awareness around dementia and caregiving.
“I’ve certainly become inspired to become engaged in affecting policy change at the federal level, as well as local,” she says in the article. “Making sure that people are supported over the continuum of care throughout their lives and that people aren’t forced to choose between a career and family — or even having to delay schooling, should a parent fall ill.”
The article also includes statistics from an AARP report about caregivers nationwide. It originally appeared on Georgia Health News on November 26 and was shared by NPR’s local Atlanta station.
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