From Hope to Action:

Strategic Themes: 2022-2025

To inform creation of this Strategic Plan, AFTD conducted 16 key informant interviews, four focus groups, a survey of Board and staff, a comparative analysis of other leading disease-focused organizations, and a community survey. Major themes emerged during this discovery and validation process, forming the basis of our strategic plan.

Leveraging the unique role AFTD can play in advancing research

Convening; Collaboration; Consensus-building

Building a community of empowered and engaged research participants

Whose perspective informs research design and government regulators

Educating health professionals

To enable access to an accurate FTD diagnosis and knowledgeable, appropriate care

Informing and supporting families facing a genetic variant that causes FTD

Providing information; creating a supportive community; enabling research participation

Creating new mechanisms and programs for connection and support

With an emphasis on currently underserved communities

Expanding our reach by scaling existing programs

For people with FTD and care partners

Enabling our community to advocate for and drive change

Empowering our community through advocacy campaigns, speaking engagements, and other volunteer programs

Enhancing AFTD’s engagement with stakeholders

Refining AFTD’s data systems to tailor engagement to the needs of each individual and family we serve

Ensuring the sustainability of an expanded organization

Adding staff to better channel volunteer and donor engagement, better collaborate with other organizations to advance research, and drive support and education

Strengthening infrastructure

Staff engagement and professional development; data structures and security; systems and processes that create efficiencies in how we work; measuring our impact

Strategic Plan Highlights:  Overview  |   Vision, Mission, Values  |  Strategic Themes  |  Four Goals  |  Your Support Makes This Work Possible

Download the full AFTD Strategic Plan 2022-2025 here.