Lade Veranstaltungen

Denkanstöße 2018

22. September 2018 - 7. Oktober 2018

Version 2

Food for Thought is a grassroots fundraising and awareness campaign focusing on food and FTD education. Held the last week of September through the first week of October, FFT encompasses World FTD Awareness Week. During this time, people across the world host bake sales, restaurant benefit nights, happy hours and much more.

FFT event hosts tell their stories, making people personally aware of FTD, while serving some food and raising funds to support AFTD’s mission. Hosts can hold any type of event—even an online “virtual” one—as long as food and FTD education are involved.

Hungry to make a difference? Klick hier um anzufangen.

Serve some food. Share your story. Spread the word.