FTD Advocates Nominated for Singaporean of the Year Award

singaporean of the year dementia advocates image

A pair of self-advocates diagnosed with dementia have been nominated by The Straits Times for the periodical’s Singaporean of the Year award.

Alison Lim, who founded the organization Dementia & Co with her daughter, was diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) in 2016. Rosli Anjang Al Faqir, the founder of the Chapal Malay Dementia Community on Facebook, was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia in 2017.

Lim and Anjang work closely to support each other’s outreach and awareness efforts as they work to spread awareness and help diagnosed people in their communities. The duo offer help to people with dementia and care partners, as well as emotional support.

Anjang strives to reduce stigma as well and works with colleagues in Malaysia to develop educational resources for care partners. Anjang also works with care partners to address difficulties they may be facing, such as helping them identify triggers for certain behaviors.

Through her organization, Lim and her daughter organize tea dances and other activities for people with dementia and care partners. Lim also speaks with different community groups to reduce the stigma faced by people diagnosed with a form of dementia.

“Do not fear dementia,” said Lim. “It is not contagious, but it can affect anyone. Engage with us. Do not pity or patronize us.”

The duo note how essential support from other people with dementia has been, and that it has motivated them to continue their work.

“You go to a doctor and sit with him for only half an hour, but volunteers like us can sit with a family for four to five hours to really understand what the person is going through,” said Anjang.

Are you interested in getting involved to make a difference for people with dementia in your own community? Visit AFTD’s Take Action and Volunteer web page or read our Volunteer Opportunities flyer to learn more.

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