Persone con consiglio consultivo FTD

Il Persons with FTD Advisory Council dell'AFTD è stato formalmente costituito nel 2020. I suoi membri contribuiranno a garantire che le intuizioni e le voci delle persone affette da FTD siano prese in considerazione nello sviluppo delle politiche, dei programmi e dei servizi dell'AFTD. Il Persons with FTD Advisory Council è un'evoluzione del "Think Tank" informale delle persone diagnosticate che aveva informato il lavoro dell'AFTD dal 2015.

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Sandy Howe, copresidente


Sandy Howe lives in Edmonds, Wash., with Dirk, her husband of 40 years. Together, they have three married sons and three granddaughters. Sandy worked as a civil engineer and a full-time mother. Dieci anni fa, ha iniziato a dimenticare le parole, a non rispettare le scadenze, a parlare in modo insolito e a perdere la capacità di fare ciò che prima faceva bene. Le è stata diagnosticata la FTD nel 2014. Ha smesso di lavorare e, alla fine, ha rinunciato a guidare. Sandy è grata per la diagnosi precoce e per aver trovato terapisti professionali, logopedisti e terapisti occupazionali che le hanno insegnato come affrontare la FTD e compensare i cambiamenti che porta con sé nella sua vita. In 2022, Sandy joined the AFTD Persons with FTD Advisory Council. Her priority is letting newly diagnosed people—and their caregivers—know that they’re not alone. 

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Kevin Rhodes, copresidente

New Hampshire

Kevin lives in Manchester, N.H., with his wife Debra. Kevin is an active AFTD volunteer e si è unito al Consiglio consultivo delle persone con FTD dell'AFTD nell'agosto del 2022. Prima di andare in pensione nel 2021 a causa della diagnosi di FTD, Kevin ha lavorato nel settore della tecnologia sanitaria per oltre 30 anni. The last 15 years, he was as an account executive working nationally with health plans, health systems, provider organizations, provider groups, and accountable care organizations. Kevin è laureato in tecnologie dell'informazione e ha lavorato per piccole e grandi aziende start-up nel settore della tecnologia sanitaria. Lui vanta una vasta esperienza nelle comunicazioni relative alla tecnologia sanitaria e nella gestione dell'assistenza, nonché nelle strategie di sensibilizzazione dei pazienti. Grazie alla diagnosi di FTD, Kevin vorrebbe molto collaborare con le organizzazioni sanitarie per diffondere conoscenze e assistenza alle persone affette da FTD. 

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Anne Fargusson, RN


AnnaFargussonha trascorso la sua carriera come infermiera qualificatae tienea Bachelor of Science in nursing. She earned anenterostomaleTcertificazione terapeutica in ferite e cura delle stomie e una certificazione per posizionare le linee PIC. Informazioni 20 anni fa ad Anne è stata diagnosticata la variante comportamentale FTD, e lei successivamente è diventato parte di uno studio genetico, dove è stato determinato che lei ha ilC9orf72variante genetica. Venti-otto anniago, Anne's father died of complications related to FTD. Since then, she has taken part in research studies at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center. She is active in FTD advocacy and in raising awareness. Anne and her husband, Ed, have identical twin sons, both of whom are emergency department physicians. 

Deborah Jobe

Debora Jobe


Deborah (Deb) Jobe has been happily married for over 19 years to her husband, Jon. She has two adult daughters, one grandchild, and two four-legged kids (her Carolina dogs, Tilly and Buliwyf). Deb was diagnosed with semantic PPA and CBS at age 53. At that time, she worked in the human capital management global space with Fortune 500 companies, overseeing the customer experience.  As a dementia advocate and AFTD volunteer, Deb focuses on public policy, early detection, education, and public awareness. Deb has met with legislators on both the state and national level, served as a Lived Experience panelist for the NIA/NIH, has been a patient advocate and grant community member for the Geriatric Emergency care Applied Research (GEAR) network, and has been featured in various videos and print publications.  Deb served on the Alzheimer’s Association National Early-Stage Advisory Group (ESAG) before joining the AFTD Persons with FTD Advisory Council. In her spare time, she colors and paints, a newly discovered passion since her diagnosis.

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Roberto Meddaugh


Bob Meddaugh grew up in Connecticut and attended Iowa State University. He received a BS in fish and wildlife biology and in journalism in 1972. While there he met and married Kathryn Stangl, in 1971. They have two daughters: Kelly, who lives in Pennsylvania, and Colyn, who lives in Kansas City. Prima di FTD, Bob ha lavorato come biologo della pesca, giornalista agricolo, addetto alle pubbliche relazioni e comunicazioniconsulente,EUNprogettista di database. Bob smise di lavorare nel 2001 perché continuava a dimenticare a cosa stava lavorando. Sfortunatamente, ci vollero fino al 2006 perché Bob ricevesse la diagnosi con demenza, che è stato poi perfezionato in comportamentale varianteFTD nel 2007. È stato attivo con AFTD e ioè stato co-presidente dell'AFTD Persons with FTD Advisory Council. È anche presidente del Città di Desidero Comitato consultivo per l'accesso ai disabili di Moines. Vive solo con i suoi due cani — Kathy è morta il 21 febbraio 2021.


Amy Shives, MEd


Amy Shives earned her master’s degree in education from Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash. Her career included employment as a child therapist in social service agencies prior to her position at Community Colleges of Spokane. There, she was a tenured counseling faculty member for 25 years prior to a diagnosis of FTD. Amy is a volunteer at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center where she is enrolled in longitudinal research studies for FTD. She is a founding board member of Dementia Alliance International (DAI) and has been a member of the AFTD Education Conference Planning Committee since 2019. She is also a past member of the National Alzheimer’s Association Early-Stage Advisory Group, where she has spoken nationally on dementia issues. Amy grew up with a mother who had unrecognized FTD challenges. She and her husband, George, have been married for 41 anni e hanno due figlie adulte. Il loro figlio Franco, un Cavalier King Charles Spaniel e il suo nuovo fratello Tommy il gattino resti in casa. 

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Seth Stern, medico


Seth L. Stern, MD is a recently retired OB/GYN who concluded his practice after 37 anni di servizio dedicato ai suoi pazienti, alcuni dei quali abbracciano generazioni di famiglie. Durante la sua carriera, ha avuto il privilegio di fornire assistenza medica a entrambi donne non incinte e donne incinte con condizioni che variano in complexity from low to high risk. In April 2022, after five years of diligently pursuing a diagnosis, Dr. Stern was diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia. In addition to serving on the Persons with FTD Advisory Council, Dr. Stern is an active member of the Physicians Living with Dementia group (part of the National Council of Dementia Minds). His work regarding FTD and other dementias has included public speaking, participating in webinars, being a guest speaker at the NIH, and having his journey featured both in the giornale di Wall Street and on Atlanta News First. Dr. Stern’s awareness and advocacy work for FTD and other neurocognitive disorders focuses on raising public awareness, supporting research, and encouraging empathy and respect for all individuals with neurocognitive disorders. 

Chris Tann, Persons with FTD Advisory Council member wearing a turquoise-colored suit jacket, teal tie, and silver cross around his neck.

Chris Tann


Chris Tyrone Tann was born in Dayton, Ohio into a family of three older brothers and eventually one younger brother. After high school, Chris decided to serve his country and he selected the United States Navy, retiring honorably after 20 years of service as a torpedoman. Post-naval life, Chris earned his associate degree and eventually began working in quality assurance at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia. In his spare time, he enjoys the company of his wife Debra, his adult children, and grandchildren. Additionally, Chris finds fishing and studying the Bible therapeutic. Chris loves gospel and jazz music; he also enjoys concerts and watching the incredible feats of Cirque Du Soleil. Chris enjoys sharing his FTD journey and welcomes warm conversations with others on the subject, particularly those who are unfamiliar with FTD. Chris was diagnosed with behavioral variant FTD in 2019. He participates with the Black Dementia Minds support group and is in a longitudinal clinical trial at Vanderbilt. Chris considers it a blessing to be able to participate in a clinical trial. He believes his contributions to research will help generations to come. When discussing dementia, there is emphasis placed on “quality of life.” At this point, Chris says he is on a journey, and he seeks to live a life of meaning.