Caricamento Eventi

Comprensione della demenza temporale frontale e dell'afasia progressiva primaria

21 aprile 2022, ore 18:00 - 19:30 EDT

UNDERstanding FTD and PPA - WEB FB LI TW

AFTD is a co-sponsor of this installment of “Under the Dementia Umbrella,” a webinar series presented by the North Carolina chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Heidi Roth, MD, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will take a deeper dive into FTD disorders, with a particular focus on PPA. An AFTD volunteer will be on hand to talk about and share AFTD resources. Scarica questo volantino for more information, and clicca qui per saperne di più e registrarti.


21 aprile 2022
18:00 - 19:30 EDT
Categoria Evento:
Sito web: