Caricamento Eventi

Triathlon su distanza olimpica

26 giugno 2021

Jason Nagin with Mother & Father

Jason Nagin is participating in an Olympic Distance Triathlon on June 26, 2021 in memory of his grandmother who passed away from FTD, in honor of his mother who is currently living with FTD and in support of AFTD’s mission.

Growing up, Jason watched his grandmother decline and eventually pass away from FTD in her early 70s. Is her late 60s, Jason’s mother (his grandmother’s daughter) started showing symptoms of FTD too. His mother now has troubles communicating, but Jason can “see the love she has in her eyes”.

The event includes a one-mile swim, 28-mile bike ride and six-mile run. Jason will be posting training updates on his Classy page, where he is also asking for donations to support AFTD’s Research initiatives. To visit his fundraiser, read his story/updates and support his goal, please clicca qui.


26 giugno 2021
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