Annuncio AFTD pubblicato sul New York Times


Timed for the start of World FTD Awareness Week, and funded by support from a generous donor, a full-page ad portraying the devastating impact of young-onset dementia on families is featured in the 9/22 issue of the New York Times. Thanks to the hard work of AFTD volunteer and designer Jody Zorn, we continue to make more people aware of FTD: the most common form of dementia diagnosed in individuals under 60. If you found out about AFTD through this advertisement, and would like to sign up to receive specially targeted resources, clicca qui.

Puoi aiutare. clicca qui per scaricare una versione PDF dell'annuncio. Vi invitiamo a condividerlo ampiamente anche sui social media con gli hashtag #DementiaUnder60 e #ThinkFTD.

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