AFTD helps FTD care partners forge meaningful connections with one another. These relationships can be a lifeline, providing emotional support, practical caregiving tips and strategies, and the simple knowledge that you are not alone. Knowing that there are others who understand the challenges you face as an FTD care partner can make a world of difference.

Here are some ways to get connected, and to get the support you need:

In-Person Support Groups

A growing number of FTD support groups – many of which are led by an AFTD-affiliated support group leader – are emerging throughout the U.S. and Canada. To look for an option or options near you, visit the En tu región section of our website.

AFTD Telephone Support Groups

For care partners who live far away from an active in-person support group, AFTD sponsors special telephone support groups, led by experienced facilitators. Each monthly group has a slightly different focus based on the main care challenge:

  • language and communication symptoms
  • behavioral symptoms
  • caring for a spouse/partner while there are children in the home
  • caring for a loved one with FTD/ALS
  • men’s caregiver group

For more information, contact AFTD’s HelpLine at 866-507-7222 o

Conexiones informales

AFTD can sometimes match FTD care partners in a particular city or region through information they share when they regístrate con nosotros. Cuando no hay grupos de apoyo en persona cerca, estas conexiones informales pueden resultar de gran ayuda. Si ambas partes acuerdan reunirse, la AFTD comparte un nombre y un número de contacto o correo electrónico, pero ninguna otra información personal. Lo tomas desde ahí. Para solicitar una conexión informal, comuníquese con la línea de ayuda de AFTD al 866-507-7222 o


principal de la AFTD pagina de Facebook keeps followers up to date on events, research, and the latest news. AFTD also has a private or “closed” Facebook group donde se invita a los miembros a publicar sus experiencias y responder a los temas de discusión en la página. Finalmente, AFTD ofrece un grupo de Facebook para adultos jóvenes para personas de entre 20 y 30 años que tienen un ser querido con FTD; para unirse, correo electrónico jó e incluya la dirección de correo electrónico que utilizó para abrir su cuenta de Facebook.

AFTD Comstock Grants

Through the Subvención Comstock program, AFTD provides monetary support to help full-time, unpaid caregivers arrange short-term respite (or to arrange travel to/from AFTD’s yearly Education Conference).

Enlaces adicionales

El foro de soporte de FTD: Un foro en línea abierto a cuidadores y personas diagnosticadas con FTD o un trastorno relacionado.

Grupo de Facebook de apoyo para cuidadores de cónyuges de FTD: Un grupo de apoyo independiente para cónyuges de personas con FTD.

La Asociación de cónyuges sanos: A volunteer-based nonprofit organization that provides peer emotional support and information to the husbands, wives and partners of people with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities. An online community of supportive individuals who provide care for a family member or friend. hosts an informal weekly chat for FTD caregivers and a monthly podcast on FTD care organized by an FTD care partner.