Wat is er nieuw

Powerful Patient Podcast

Katie Brandt, AFTD Regional Volunteer Coordinator for New England, was interviewed July 24 on a Powerful Patient podcast. To listen to the podcast, click here.

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ALZNC’s 4th Annual FTD Caregiver Education Conference – Nov 10, 2014

On Monday, November 10, 2014, Alzheimers North Carolina, Inc. will host its 4th Annual FTD Caregiver Conference at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC.  Download the conference flyer to read details…

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In Sickness and In Health

A Pennsylvania caregiver tells her story of reuniting with her high school sweetheart later in life, and her experience caring for him after he was diagnosed with FTD. To read…

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What You Should Know About FTD

Caregiver.com explains common symptoms of FTD, as well as why the early signs are often overlooked and misdiagnosed. To read the full article, click here.

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AFTD-nieuws: zomer 2014, jaargang 11, nummer 2

In this issue: FTD Included for First Time in NAPA’s National Priorities, Celebrate 2014 FTD Awareness Week, FTD Announces First Named Fund; Spotlight on Steve Bellwoar, 9th International Conference on…

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PA-familie zet de nalatenschap van vader voort met Bill's Best barbecuesaus

De familie Fehon deelde het verhaal van hun ervaringen met de FTD van hun man/vader en het familiebedrijf dat hem eert.

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AFTD-uitvoerend directeur, Susan Dickinson, wordt geïnterviewd op NeuroMatters

AFTD Executive Director Susan Dickinson will be interviewed by Dr. Samuel Brinkman about FTD on his internet radio show, NeuroMatters: The Brink of Alzheimer’s  Tuesday, June 24 at 4 p.m.…

Lees verder over AFTD-uitvoerend directeur, Susan Dickinson, wordt geïnterviewd op NeuroMatters

A Different Dementia

Sylvia Gentry spoke with the Philadelphia Inquirer about the path to diagnosis and caring for her husband.

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Zorgen voor een zieke geliefde ondanks het isolement en hartzeer

Caregiver Maureen Walsh shares her experience of getting an accurate diagnosis for her husband and how she copes with the struggles of caregiving.

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Help & hoop #16

Nummer #16: juni 2014 (oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd als The Gateway)

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