Atleta do mês de novembro: Kerry Brinkerhoff

Kerry Brinkerhoff is AFTD's Athlete of the Month

AFTD’s Athlete of the Month for November is Kerry Brinkerhoff from Utah. Kerry runs for family members affected by FTD, including his grandfather and mother, as well as himself. He mostly uses the Charity Miles app to stay in shape and help him get out of the house, while also raising funds for AFTD’s mission, and awareness of FTD.

Because he saw his grandfather and mother live with FTD, he quickly became aware that he was also on his FTD journey after symptoms started to show. “I saw my grandfather struggling with FTD and helping support my grandmother in his care,” he said. “Then my mother started having symptoms like my grandfather in her 60s and I was able to go and help with her in the last few years of her life as she struggled with FTD. Then I started having symptoms much like my mother and grandfather and knew I was on a FTD journey myself.”

Kerry originally found the Charity Miles app because a close friend had been posting their stats on social media. He has said that the Charity Miles app has helped him get out of the house and stay positive.

“I found Charity Miles at a time I was struggling with my apathy. I found keeping track of my miles and trying to increase them for AFTD actually helped me get out of the door and go hiking. So, I guess what I am saying is I feel Charity Miles helped with my apathy. It helped me feel more motivated. So, the app has been like a lifesaver for me, as I do much better when I get out.”

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