Novas abordagens para FTD serão destacadas na Conferência Internacional ADDF, de 16 a 17 de setembro

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20ª Conferência Internacional sobre Descoberta de Medicamentos para Alzheimer, a two-day interdisciplinary forum to be held September 16-17, 2019 in Jersey City, NJ, will bring together 20 top researchers to present a diversity of approaches and the latest on innovative treatments and diagnostics for Alzheimer’s disease, related dementias and cognitive aging.

Investigators funded by the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF), as well as other guest speakers, will share findings on both novel and repurposed drug programs and biomarkers at various stages of the pipeline.

The program will also include a major session devoted to novel approaches for frontotemporal degeneration (FTD). The FTD session will highlight the needs in drug discovery and biomarkers for FTD, and emphasize approaches used in different neurodegenerative diseases.

Other program topics include: Small molecule approaches for Alzheimer’s disease, clinical trials in Alzheimer’s disease, and novel biomarker approaches.

The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation is offering a special discount to any FTD partners – please use code “AFTD19” at time of registration. Clique aqui para se cadastrar.

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