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FTD is also frequently referred to as frontotemporal dementia, frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), or Pick's disease. It represents a group of brain disorders caused by degeneration of the frontal and/or temporal lobes of the brain.

Stay on top of the latest FTD resources, news, and events.

Support groups provide a resource, an outlet, and a place to collect and share your thoughts with others who understand.

You can use this language or your own: To the Willis Family – thank you for sharing your FTD story. Know you aren’t alone – you have a community that cares. #SupportBruceWillisFTD #EveryFTDStoryCounts. Be sure to use the same hashtags for visibility.

Your support can help families impacted by FTD, and bring hope for a future free of this disease.